Software for Business and Government
RBA offers custom developed software applications as well as extensive customization of our existing products. We believe that the software you use should conform to the way your business operates rather than your business conforming to the way an “off of the shelf” software forces you to operate.
- Our browser-based applications are built using the latest state of the art development technology
- Transaction-based systems allow all reports to be reprinted at any time with no restrictions
- History records are created for every action that takes place giving you full audit ability at every level
Jury Management Software
AOPC compliant software that manages your jury selection process from summons through payment. Supports one-day one-trial, grand jury selections, multiple selections in one day, and more. The Jury Manager’s Toolbox and AOPC State Reimbursement Report calculations are built into the application.
Tax Billing Software
Current Year Tax Billing Software helps tax levying entities in Pennsylvania to compute bills for Real Estate, Per Capita, Occupation, and other miscellaneous taxes.
Tax Collection Software
RBA combined its extensive experience and knowledge of Pennsylvania Tax Billing and Collection with direct input from active Tax Collectors. The result is a current year tax bill collection system that is easy to learn, easy to use, and saves you time. The superior reporting capabilities include the DCED required monthly reports.
Delinquent Tax Collection Software
RBA’s Tax Claim system processes delinquent real estate taxes from Returns through Collections, Agreements, Tax Sale, and Distribution. Other delinquent taxes can be processed as well.
Individual EIT Return Filing Software
RBA’s PA earned income tax application for individual returns allow individuals to enter an unlimited number of residences, income forms, credit forms and file attachments. Calculates taxes based on current rates and interfaces with an online payment company for the payment of taxes due. Included is a Tax Preparer module that allows easy entry by tax preparers for their clientele.
Employer EIT Tax Reporting Software
RBA’s PA earned income tax application is for employer local tax withholding reporting. This allows employers to report employee data either through manual entry or file upload and allows for online payment of taxes withheld. The application also allows CPA firms and Payroll Companies to report withholding from multiple employers.